& with some very awesome news!!! Many of you might remember my friend Jessica (since like 7th grade) Well, Jess & I haven't been very close since about our junior & senior years(about 5 years) because we ended up...... choosing different paths (I guess you could call it). Well, recently Jessica & I started emailing back & forth and last week Jessica shared some very awesome news with me that I had to pass along! Especially to those of you that know more about the situation.
Jessica told me that since breaking up with her boyfriend from high school, started going to a church along with her new boyfriend & she is loving it. She really sounds as though she's on the right track again! Which is so great to hear. I've prayed for her for a long time & to know that she has actually started going to church & making different decision in her life it's just so awesome. And she is very much enjoying going to church (as she told me "I get so excited to go to church now") it just so amazing. God is really good. PTL!!
I just had to pass along my "Praise Report". It just so humbling to know that the Lord
is listening to my prayers (I know He is) but sometimes we can get to a point when we are just like..... "Ok God what's going on????" And it just shows that it's all in His prefect time. But when you actually see things turing out it's just so amazing! Ok, I think I'm rambling now.....
I just continue to pray that the Lord will bless Jessica & keep her eyes on Him!
Thanks for listening!! Hope to see some of you very soon & those I won't see I miss you!!!
Love ya!