Wednesday, April 04, 2007

a *ME* update

I just wanted to give a little update on what's going on with me. I talked to an advisor at my school the other day & I've decided to change my major for the 2nd time lol! But thankfully this time will be the final time & it will actually get me closer to graduating than what I previously thought when I started @ USF.

I have changed my major to Psychology. I now only have 12 more classes to take & I will have my BA! Woot woot! *heehee* I really think this is a good thing. It broadens my options then what I would've previously had, I'm really excited. This has always been an area of interest for me & I still would like to stay on a tract that allows me to work with children.

Also, for those of you that live in St. Augustine...I'm planning a "photography trip" up there in a couple weeks with a friend of mine. We are going to be staying Saturday night & coming home Sunday. If any of you aren't busy that weekend I'd love to stop by & say a quick "Hi".

That's my quick update on me. I gotta get to work!

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Spring Break

The many costumes of Wyatt...

Pirate costume with his "treasure"

His "hat"(it's a flower pot)
The Guys...
Dada, Wyatt & Grandpa
The Aunts...
"sessica" & Wyatt & Tante

Grandma's birthday cake....


Wy & Tante

I love this picture! What a cutie!

Hangin out with Wy...

It's Play-do time!

Where'd Wyatt go??

Wyatt hidin' in the laundry hamper
Playin' outside...

Dada & Wy playin' outside