Sunday, April 30, 2006

Ok, so I have good news and I have bad news.

Good news- my wonderful daddy installed a larger hard drive to my computer, which I'm really excited about! It had gotten to the point where I couldn't even save my papers for school. (yeah it was previously a very small hard drive!)

Bad news- I lost all my files on my computer today. That wasn't dad's fault....I had an ad-ware problem that could only be fix by wiping out my hard drive :( The info that I lost includes all my email addresses in my Contact List. Unfortunately, I don't have everyone's email addresses I was wondering if you all have a chance, please send me an email so that I can make sure I save you to my contact list!

Thanks so much...I would have done this via email but well that's not possible at the moment! lol! Also, if some of my aunts or uncles could please send me their kids email addresses, since I don't think they themselves visit.

Thanks again everyone! I have my last two finals for this semester tomorrow! Wooohooo!

I love & miss you all. I can't wait to see everyone at Meg's graduation! It WILL BE a lot of fun and will leave Megan with a lot of wonderful memories!

Oh yeah keep her in your prayers, I remember that last month of my senior year was the most exciting but very stressful! I know that her's is way worse than mine was, with two AP tests to study for plus her other two finals and traveling to Tallahassee for a History Fair she will need your prayers!!


Tuesday, April 25, 2006

You know you should go to the ER when.....

your finger/hand looks like this:

My mom got stung by a wasp on Sunday. Not even two days later this is what her finger/hand looks like. Her hand is all swollen & her finger has gotten progressively worse. Last night before bed her finger was only red around the knuckle look at it.... Keep her little hand in your prayers!

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Prom pics of Megan 2006

Here are a few pics that were taken before Megan's prom. I meant to post them sooner but didn't get a chance. So here ya go check them out....didn't she look gorgeous??

meg & her friend

one more

Meg & some of the girls that she went to prom with



Meg practicing her sweet robot dance skills before prom

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

A Ghost????

Look I captured a ghost playing our piano!!!

Ok...I'm just kidding it's not a ghost it's Megan....we are learning this technique in my photography class called "Light painting" and this is what I got! I think it's pretty sweet! I was pretty excited when I got my film developed since I actually did it right the first time!!! Well, I just had to share this picture with you I thought it was pretty sweet....ok ok fine here are a couple more....Let me know what you think of my sweet photography skills!

openning the safe

another ghost...less odvious!